Friday, March 15, 2013

We got our Irish on!

This is one of our favorite spots - McGuire's.  The food is good and it's right down the road.  We tried coming here last year on St.Pat's but so did everyone else so we decided to get a jump on the day and went Tuesday instead.

These dollar bills are stapled all over every surface with names and dates written on them.
 Look closely.  Can you see them hanging from the ceiling, too?

 This bread is served warm and there's a sweet glaze riding on the top that makes you want to howl at the moon.
 We were watched over closely by Mr.Moose.  I quickly tried to remember all the dining etiquette I learned at Stephens College for Women, ahem.

Again, I didn't snap a pic quickly enough.  There were 8 of these delightful potato things on the plate when it hit the table.  I don't know what happened.  I blinked and the other 3 people at the table snarfed them down.  Along side were 3 tasty dipping things.

Jane ordered these potato skins; she's not much of a carnivore like the rest of us.

 That's my burger.  That blob on top is guac and other stuff.  Those are potato wedges next to it.  I took half home.

There was confusion in the bathrooms.  I won't tell you who went in where - I like to protect the integrity of my friends.  Jane/Tom  The bathrooms are right across from one another.  Look closely and you'll see where the confusion comes in.  Some people take exception to this trickery and have unsuccessfully sued McGuire's.  They are laughing all the way to the bank.  
 We hope to make it back once more before we head home.

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